Grevillea ‘Fireworks’

A small shrub to approximately 1 metre. Bright red and yellow terminal flowers.

Product Description

Grevillea ‘Fireworks’ is a small to medium shrub, approximately one metre tall, with bright red and yellow flowers and soft bluegreen foliage.   Flowers occur on the ends of short branches and an explosion of colour is seen from autumn to spring.  Plants are both frost and drought tolerant once established and are useful for attracting birds to your garden.

Grevillea ‘Fireworks’

Product Features

Origin: Developed from a cross between Grevillea 'Scarlet Sprite' and Grevillea alpina.
Uses: Looks good planted in groups or as a small hedge.
Fauna: Attracts nectar feeding birds and insects.
Maintenance: Trim after flowering if required. Feed with a low phosphorus fertilizer in spring.
Protected by Plant Breeder's Rights. PBR 3341
See also different:Grevillea Selection